Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stampaway Cincinnati 2013

Yesterday I had a great day at Stampaway Cincinnati!! I got to meet Tim Holtz, Mario and Dyan Reaveley!! Oh what a day!! All three was a friendly as if you had been their friend for life. It truly amazes me that in the Art World the well known artist are as humble and down to earth as the next guy. They truly make you feel like you are an artist right beside of them. There is no right or wrong to your Art!! JUST CREATE!! This was something that I will not forget!! Every artist has their own style and yours is unique! And as Dyan said it....It is your work and do it how you would like it. I have thought this way for many years...We are all different in our own ways. Each person sees and feels art different. And no matter how advanced or not advanced you are the Artist!! So, with all those creative wise words I came home and worked on a page of the new Dylusions journal. I love it!!!!

Tim Holtz and I
Dyan Reaveley and I
Mario Rossi and I


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